Post-Election Note: The Crips and the Bloods

by H.R. Shapiro


The Clinton-Dole (Uni-Partisan/Globalism) election was a fait accompli before the Gingrichites (1) bashed Medicaid and (2) closed the Federal Government in late December/January, 1996, while Clinton saved the shattered Republicans (but not Gingrichism/ Palace-Putsch) by signing the Welfare (Malthusian) Law in August of 1996. Gingrich-Lott and Co., in turn, nominated and knifed the (on the arm) solipsist Dole, and thus in return for Congress, openly promoted the re-election of their palace-politics (Uni-Partisan) comrade, Clinton.


"It's hard to accuse the Republicans of waging class warfare when your commanding general has just defected to their side," said a senior House Democrat."

[Gingrich approved:] "The President's attempting to steer a responsible course that can bring our country together."

[Democratic Senator] "Many Democrats suspect the President of trying to improve his reelection chances at the expense of theirs."

[Prof. R.K. Baker] "The ship has just deserted the sinking rats."



Clinton and Globalism (Richard Rubin, Bretton Woods/World Bank-IMF), joined the Bush-Baker-Gingrichism-Republicans, perhaps as early as 1989-1992, but the final confirmation of the Palace Marriage came with the Republicans' capture of Congress in 1994.

Gingrichism openly brought the Ideology of Globalism home, that is, combined Globalism with the Ideology of State-Austerity, both via the Ideology of the "World Invisible Hand," -- or, as Von Hayek frames the ideology that he would at the same time mitigate, the "Impersonal Discipline of the Market." (See Road to Serfdom, 1944)

Globalism is an extension of Statism/Austerity, in that both involve "crash central economic planning" (See IMF/Russia, 1991-1996, for example); that is, "Primitive Accumulation, Overnight," a political device that was "discovered" by Stalin in the "Five-Year-Plan" or Crash Industrialization/Great Terror of Russia, 1930-1932. The Gingrichites, in other words, wanted to openly bring home the IMF/"Downsizing," Austerity, and the Balanced-Budget Amendment.


Clinton-Gingrichism, as such, was disappeared by Gingrich's failed (do-or-die) Palace Putsch of 1995-1996, but Clinton, sans Gingrichism and Globalism, would be left without a rationale for carrying out the "Up-sizing " of the Global/GNP-State (Gross National Plutocracy) and the "Down-sizing" (GNP-General National Poverty) of the new serfdom in the USA.

There were elements in the Republican Party, "The New Men," the Gingrich "Freshmen," etc., who could not maintain their putsch- power without the "Palace-Putsch," and it was these do-or-die elements who attempted to destroy Clinton, notwithstanding the Clinton-Gingrich/Alliance, fait accompli. What, after all, other than a cipher, a voting Zombie, is a Bourbon or a Republican Freshman without a Putsch-Party and a Party-Line?


"I am of neither party nor yet a trimmer between parties. I have never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics or in anything else, where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. If I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all."



Clinton (1) allowed the Republicans and Perot to savage him for the last five weeks of the campaign on chump-change issues, and (2) campaigned in the South, for instance, to guarantee the legislative adulteration of the Democrats in the North, and thus the continued (if narrow) Republican control of Congress.

Clinton, with his Republican allies in power, should face no ideological opposition from the Republicans or from most of the castrated and happy Yellow Dog Democrats. Clinton had incriminated the Democrats in the Welfare (Malthusian) Law -- even those who had been permitted to vote for it voted against the bill, because they of course would back the re-election of the warm and giving Clinton/Republicans . (See also "Liberals," Schumer, etc., fronting for the Clinton Bourbon/Republicans' police-state and anti-Constitutional police/terror laws)


"Clinton, Lott Put Priority on Budget/Medicare"



"GOP Senator Has No Interest in Old Probes of Clinton"



The day after (or before) the presidential election, so to speak, a Clinton/Lottism Alliance replaced the Clinton/Gingrichism Alliance. Gingrich, by throwing his Palace-Putsch "Hail Mary Pass," shattered the ad hoc/coup, GOPAC/73 Austerity Party. Clinton is of course promoting Austerity/Euthanasia, albeit sans rationale (ideology), so that Clintonism will have its colonial base in Lottism -- pure Party/Bureaucratic Corruption, sans the mask of Ideology.

The Idea of an arbitrary and meaningless Balanced-Budget (the "Armed-Budget," so to speak) replaces and negates the Ideology of Austerity/World-Invisible-Hand, purging Neo-Classical Economism, 1973-1996, once and for all. (See USA/IMF radical implosion of the Third World and Second World, so-called; for example, Rwanda-Uganda- Burundi-Zaire/Eastern Europe-Russia, etc., and the extended NATO attempt to disappear the European Union.)


"Clinton Suggests He May Not Resist Fiscal Amendment. Bows to Likelihood Congress Will Back a Constitutional Step Requiring Balance."



"Such talk is good news to us, Lott said."



Clinton, without hesitation, one could say in a dazed (permanent-alliance- with-the-opposition) political stupor, moved to write an empty and hence catastrophic "economic theory" into the Constitution, one which would have led to "Parliamentary Despotism" and the negation of the Constitution. This short-term/statist-coup, however, was vetoed by the Globalists, Rubin-Wall Street/Federal Reserve, the Bretton Woods Committee-IMF, The Council on Foreign Relations-CFR, Versailles-to-Rwanda, and the Bank for International (Versailles) Settlements-B.I.S., etc. (See C-Span or read Kafka's "Castle.")


"Retreat By White House: Treasury Chief [Rubin] Calls Changing Constitution to Balance Budget Dangerous."



Sanger tells us that the President's economic team, apparently fearful that those comments would prompt [Yellow Dog] Democrats who had opposed the amendment to switch their votes, began walking back Mr. Clinton's remarks.


"The bottom line is that he [Clinton] is opposed to a balanced-budget amendment, and remains so. You can't protect against the unforeseen."

SEC. OF TREASURY/IMF, R. RUBIN, 11/14/1996, Ibid.


"It may be remembered as the first flip-flop of the second term, but President Clinton was right to let Rubin correct his tactical error on the balanced-budget amendment."



The British Parliament in 1766 (as corrupt as the USA Congress, today), in response to the American Stamp Act Congress of 1765, enacted the "Declaratory Act," which nullified the Magna Carta and rendered Parliament "supreme in all cases whatsoever."

The Balanced-Budget Amendment would actualize the dream of the statists in the USA, Clinton-Gingrich-Lott, etc., for such an amendment would give the USA State the power to nullify/destroy the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. What is a balanced-budget, other than the completely arbitrary parliamentary control of the taxation/monies of the federal republic?


"In a sharp contrast to their post-election gathering two years ago, Republicans meeting here today outlined an incrementalist 1997 agenda of specifically directed tax cuts, modest changes in Medicaid and as much cooperation with President Clinton as possible. On Medicaid, the Republicans said they would bow to political reality and seek incremental reforms if Mr. Clinton did not change his position."



Grifters call this the "one-on-zero/short-con," which has Clintonism trashing the Gingrichites for re-election, but then saving the Gingrichism Congress, so as to carry out the Clintonism-Gingrichism Austerity-State, with his beard, and supposed successor, Gingrich (or whoever survives the greasy pole).

Clinton-Republicans, the day after the election, reconstituted the status quo ante bellum by merging their respective palace parties into the Private Castle-State. Clinton-Republicans would (1) push for IMF-Globalism, extended NATO, and, at the same time, (2) attempt to disappear what exists of a "safety-net" in the USA, leaving only the secured, if implosive, Political Order/Castle-State


Post Script:




"Neither freedom nor despotism can come about without equality..."



"The white evangelical church carries a shameful legacy of racism, but in 1994 it called for a repudiation of racism and bigotry in all its ugly forms." [County-Court/Pork-Chop Preacher, Racism, R.I.P., 1829-1840/1994.]



The Gingrich-Republican/Clinton Austerity (Structural Adjustment) Program demanded equality, for the essence of the coup d'état was to convince the middling-classes that they should "downsize" themselves, for their own good. What the mar plots did not want to do is to separate the population in any way that would produce any form of (austerity-defeating) particular opposition, say racism -- white versus blacks and other minorities, and so forth. .

The irony of the Welfare Poor Laws of August 1996 is that they separated the middling-classes from the poor, thus prematurely utilizing their scapegoats, the poor-card, without having implicated and "downsized" (Medicare, etc.) the middling-classes, thus losing the tactical means of "downsizing" across-the-board.

The Republicans-Clinton, in other words, who wanted to use the poor-card for Austerity in general, (1) were forced to use anti-poorism to preserve the loaves and fishes, while (2) the Bourbons, whose bread-and-butter is political racism, further divided the country. Poor Euthanasia and Political Racism thus destroyed their already badly damaged Gingrich/GOPAC-73 Party Austerity-Coalition overnight. What price an objective enemy, now?


"In proposing to deny United States' citizenship to children born in this country to illegal immigrants, members of the Republican Platform Committee are challenging a pillar of constitutional law [the 14th Amendment]."



The Constitution has many measures of protection for legal and illegal immigrants, or anyone who falls under the jurisdiction of the USA:

"People" or "Person" is almost always used rather than "Citizen" throughout the Constitution...

*Amendment II: The right of the people to keep and bear arms...

*Amendment IV: The right of the people to be secure in....

*Amendment V: No person shall be held...

*Amendment VI: The accused...

The word "Citizen" is not mentioned in the original Bill of Rights, and not until the 14th Amendment, where the first line says,

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States...are citizens of the United States, and of the State wherein they reside."

It goes on:

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


If only someone would read the Constitution!

The Gingrich-Bourbon/Republicans, however, endorsed a proposal to abolish the guarantee of citizenship extended by the 14th Amendment as though there were no other rights for persons under the Constitution, and that one could legally distinguish any group among those born in the USA. This Gingrich Immigration Panel Plan (June, 1995) opined that Congress "end automatic birthright citizenship for children born within the borders of the United States to illegal immigrant parents."

Rep. Elton Gallegly actually said that "our law encourages widespread illegal immigration and costs American taxpayers billions of dollars a year, but as Roger Pear paraphrases Mr. Gallegly: "The 14th Amendment was written to guarantee citizenship for free slaves, he said, not for the children of immigrants." Would Mr. Gallegly have run with Boss Tweed [Wales] on this Black and Tan platform in Tammany-Irish NYC in 1868? Ah, the shame of it!

The essence of the 14th Amendment was the Republican political platform (equal rights, no special privileges) in the great electoral campaign of 1866, following Andrew Johnson's immediate defection to the Tammany/Confederates in April of 1865. (See Johnson's "Black Codes" re-enslaving the blacks, and his attempt to immediately rehabilitate the Confederates in 1865.)

What is to be done? The people have to abolish the Tammanys, local, city, county, etc., and with them, the chaotic/corrupt autonomous agencies, from the bureaucracies (especially the police and school managers), to the party/bureaucratic control of every function of local and state government.

Self-government can only exist, and the political criminals disappeared, when each community is a "town-meeting" elementary republic, power at higher levels is radically limited, and when everything public, Res Publica, exists in the light of the day.




H.R. Shapiro is the author of USA: Total State, A Political History of the USA, 1789 - 1980's.