Price List



1. "Untitled," 1996, drainpipe, 10x77x55" $2000

2. "Self Portrait as a Plate," 1996, mixed media, 6x34x24" $1600

3. "Don't F rg t," 1996, cardboard, 102x103x16 $3000

4. "So What?," 1996, acrylic, canvas, stretcher bars, 22x24" $800

5. "Tunnel," 1996, mixed media, 51x51x9" $2500

6. "Untitled (landscape)," 1996, wood, plastic, 60x60x7" $2500

7. "Don't Hold Your Breath," 1996, mixed media, 39x46x38" $2200

8. "It's My Factory," 1996, mixed media with sound recording, 60x34x28" NFS



All drawings pen on paper


1. "Transparent Self,' 1996, 18x14" $250

2. "Stairs with Bat," 1996, 18x14" $250

3. "Invisible Road," 1996, 12x9" $150

4. "Roof," 1996, 12x9" $150

5. "Never," 1996, 18x14" $250

6. "Robot Sleeping," 1996, 18x14" $250

7. "AND," 1996, 18x14" $250

8. "Untitled (abstraction)," 1996, 12x9" $150

9. "You Fucked Up ..." 1995, 11x8" $150

10. "Don't F rg t," 1996, 12x9" $150

11. "Floating Caskets," 1996, 12x9" $150

12. "Abstract Landscape with Moon and Bat," 1996, 12x9" $150


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